Color Services

Hair Color

One Step Color or root touchup (90 min.) $85
One step color begins with a consultation with one Niloo. She uses the latest techniques to achieve rich hair color tones.

Full Color (120 min.) $110
Full Color begins with a consultation. From covering gray roots to toning or completely changing your color this option is for people who completely want to change the color of their hair, all over.

Color & Cut (2 hrs.) $155
Receive free hair cut with your color service on your first appointment. In addition you get a discount for your next ones.

Corrective Color upon consultation
Niloo is an expert at fixing hair color gone wrong. She will work with you to achieve the color you want.

Toners $65

Color Techniques

Bayalage, Ombré, or Hair Painting $220+
The hair world borrowed the term Ombré from the french word meaning shaded or shading. Ombré hair color is generally darker at the roots through the mid-shaft and then gradually gets lighter from the mid-shaft to the ends. It is usually achieved using a balayage technique and is ideal for clients looking for a low-maintenance style.

Colorgraphics Highlights

Partial Weaves (2 hrs.) $85
Full Weaves (3 hrs.) $100
Partial Highlights $110
Partial Highlights & Haircut (3 hrs.) $190
Full Highlights $150
Full Highlights & Haircut (3.5 hrs.) $225

Beautiful Color, Beautiful Hair.
You know that Mother Nature has become a cold hearted you-know-what in the recent weeks. Temperatures have plummeted and the wind chill is blistering! This means that dry, thirsty hair is in need of TLC.

When Niloo’s clients visit her at the Salon for a retouch, she gives them her signature “Healthy Highlights” service. “I know what it’s like to have dry, highlighted hair so I take a deep conditioner and foil it in when I retouch highlights. This is a nice service because you can deep condition the hair and the highlights at the same time”.


Lowlights $65 & up
Lowlights are applied strategically through your hair to add extra depth and richness to your color. Lowlights can be applied to work with your current color or as a contrast to fit the current trends.